A successful broker is always informed of how the industry is changing. Conveying that information is one of the most important parts in presenting that expertise.
Commercial Loan Broker Training
How Social Media can benefit loan brokerage
The words social media tend to draw up the images of vacation photos and family updates. For many loan brokers, the idea of using it as a marketing and PR tool can seem absurd.
Commercial Lending Training Program: What You Need to Know
Is your company facing lay-offs? Or are you looking to start a new career? Then becoming a commercial loan broker might be perfect for you. Being a loan broker gives you the freedom to be your own boss, let’s you take home 100% of your earnings, and gives you the...
Commercial Construction Loans Vs. Investment Real-Estate Loans
There are a few key differences between commercial new construction loans and investment real-estate loans. For starters, when we think of investment real-estate loans, we mean loans for existing commercial properties already built. Commercial Construction Loans There...
What Are Commercial Bridge Loans and Why Would You Need One?
By design, commercial bridge loans are interim commercial property loans collateralized by commercial real estate that bridge gaps for you as the borrower that muscle their way in between you and your next commercial property transaction. This type of commercial real...