Becoming a commercial loan broker is an excellent way to build wealth and success for yourself. However, when starting a new business, one of the most crucial aspects has to be marketing and promotion. While you may have plenty of experience on the banking side of things, you might be struggling when it comes to advertising.

Fortunately, CLBI is here to help.

If you want to be a loan broker, now is the perfect time to join the CLBI family. We offer comprehensive commercial loan broker training that will help you manage your new business. Not only does our program build a foundation for success, but you still get to run your own company, rather than a franchise.

So, with that in mind, let’s take a closer look at how CLBI’s loan broker training can help you.

Customized to Fit Your Needs

If you’re already finding some success as a loan broker, our program can provide you with insight on how to grow your business even further. For those striving to be a loan broker, we will assist with all of the various fundamentals so that you can succeed.

Overall, loan broker training at CLBI is excellent for all loan brokers because we can customize your plan to fit your skill level and experience. Both veterans and new loan brokers can benefit from our comprehensive marketing program.

In-House Commercial Loan Broker Marketing Agency

Even if you understand the ins and outs of marketing for your business, chances are you don’t have the time or resources to pursue advertising as much as you should. Realistically, promoting your brokerage is a full-time job, which can be virtually impossible for entrepreneurs. Let us be your marketing agency so we can free you up to be a loan broker.

Fortunately, you don’t need to sacrifice your marketing to run your business. As part of the CLBI training course, you get access to our full staffed advertising agency. We can handle every part of your promotional needs, including:

● Social Media Presence – connect with followers and make your business more personal. Commercial lending is all about forging relationships with your clients and lenders, and social media is a vital tool in that process.
● Blogging – trust is a valuable component of being a loan broker, and one way to earn credibility is to be a reliable resource. A commercial loan blog can help you find new clients and showcase your expertise as well.
● Website Design – you should already understand the value of a streamlined, professional-looking site. You need to stand out from the competition when potential lenders or clients visit your pages. Our team can optimize your business website so that it helps your bottom line.
● Newsletters and Email Marketing – one way to build a roster of clients and lenders is to create an email list. We can help you make a drip campaign that will keep your leads informed and ensure that they come to you when they’re ready for a commercial loan.

What You’ll Learn in CLBI’s Marketing Course

While having access to an in-house advertising agency is great, you also need to understand the various steps it takes to launch a successful commercial loan brokerage. Here are some of the things you’ll learn in this program.

Developing Your Brand Identity

What is it about your brokerage that will inspire new clients or lenders to work with you? A compelling brand can bring more leads to your business, so you need to take the time to craft a high-quality identity. We’ll cover the various elements required for developing a captivating brand, including logo design, a mission statement, and company culture.

Preparing Marketing Materials

Once you’ve created a brand identity, you need to make sure that you have a cohesive promotional strategy. Everything from business cards to banners to flyers has to maintain the same standards, and we’ll help you craft them.

Writing Compelling Copy

Getting leads to visit your site is one thing – keeping them there is another. While imagery and colors can do a lot, the words on your pages will help close the deal. We can assist you with copywriting so that every inch of your business website is optimized.

Setting Up Social Profiles

As we mentioned, social media marketing is an excellent way to promote your commercial loan brokerage. With the right platforms and profiles, you can build trust among your clientele, as well as discover new leads.

During this program, we’ll look at the top social sites you should be using, as well as how to market your business efficiently on each one. We leave no stone unturned, and we’ll make sure that you build a following as quickly as possible.

Sign Up For CLBI’s Marketing Program Today

Are you ready to be a commercial loan broker? Are you ready to create a highly successful business? Are you ready to become a crucial resource for your clients? If so, now is the perfect time to see what CLBI can do for you. Contact us today to find out more.